These are some of the cutest and easiest goodies to make for Christmas. We simply dip pretzels into some almond bark and the children and grandchildren LOVE to decorate them in any way they choose. Honestly, these are much easier to do and clean up than sugar cookies. Usually when we get half way done with sugar cookies, I am left to finish decorating and clean up and by then, I'm exhausted!
Here are some other GREAT ideas for you that I will be doing this year....
And for my beloved Father who hails from northern Minnesooota ...
Ok, so maybe I won't be doing ALL of these. But aren't they the cutest things to choose from? You can find many others on my All Things Christmas and Sweet Treats boards on Pinterest. You can also find all sorts of great other ideas for gifts too! There are MANY cute, homemade ideas at A Simple Christmas.
Here are some other creative ideas ...
Kisses bag for friends and neighbors!
And doesn't this sound like fun???
I hope this gives you some last minute inspiration!!
From our family to yours, may you have a very blessed Christmas!!
This article about baking ideas is amazing, and I must say that I loved everythiung about it.