Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Free 3 Month Trial with HSLDA

Don't miss out on this wonderful offer!  If you have heard of HSLDA, or if you home school and haven't heard of them.....this is an excellent opportunity to familiarize yourself with who they are and how they will protect you as homeschoolers.  HSLDA stands for Home School Legal Defense Association.  Here is a small paragraph from their information page to tell you who they are....

Home School Legal Defense Association is a nonprofit advocacy organization established to defend and advance the constitutional right of parents to direct the education of their children and to protect family freedoms. Through annual memberships, HSLDA is tens of thousands of families united in service together, providing a strong voice when and where needed.  

 HSLDA is offering 3 free months as a trial offer.  After that, the monthly fees are only $10.  They are an incredible legal force to have for protecting our rights as homeschoolers and
I strongly feel that every homeschooling family should be members.  Not only do they rally around us if we need them to, but our support of the organization fights for our rights in every state in order to make sure that our rights are protected across this country.  HSLDA is made up of attorneys who are homeschooling fathers.  
We have personally had the opportunity to attend our local home school convention and participate in a seminar hosted by HSLDA clearly defining our rights regarding home schooling and alerting us to the very strong threat against our rights in this country.  In our opinion, it is foolish to home school without the legal protection of HSLDA.  We did home school for a few years without being members due to our finances, but at only $10 a month, we decided we had to make it a priority.  If we ever have any legal issue, HSLDA will fight our legal battle for us, free of charge.  Not only do we have that reassurance, but we also know that our support tells them to keep up the fight for other home schoolers across this country.

Here is just one example of what they do.....

Swift Action by Homeschoolers Defeats Sneak Attack
Seeking opportunities to maximize their resources, the Vermont Department of Education recently took a closer look at the state’s home study law. Under current law, homeschoolers are required to submit paperwork which creates a significant burden on both them and the staff of the Home Study Department. Acting without input from the homeschooling community, the department decided to recommend changes to the law. 

These changes were submitted in a technical corrections bill to the Senate Education Committee. These “technical changes” would have transformed current legislative policy, as reflected in the current law, requiring mandatory testing for all homeschoolers. Although the rewrite would have reduced reporting requirements on homeschoolers as well, such policy changes should never have been slipped into a “technical corrections” bill and certainly not without input from the homeschooling community.

HSLDA caught wind of the proposed changes thanks to Retta Dunlap, a local homeschool advocate and executive director of Vermonters for Better Education. We agreed that action was necessary.
HSLDA worked with Dunlap to encourage homeschooling families to contact the Vermont Department of Education and request that they withdraw the proposed legislation and seek input from homeschoolers before making such drastic changes. After an initial hearing on the bill, the Education Committee told the department to work with homeschoolers to come back with a new draft in just five days

Both Dunlap and HSLDA Staff Attorney Mike Donnelly agreed that it would be impossible and highly inappropriate to attempt to rewrite the entire law in just five days, which included a weekend. It was also becoming apparent that the department was committed to mandatory testing language. 

HSLDA then asked homeschoolers to contact the Senate Education Committee. Over the next few days, senators on the Education Committee received a barrage of phone calls and emails from homeschooling families urging the committee not to move forward with the proposed law without first consulting with homeschoolers. When the committee met to discuss the changes, they had no doubt about the views of their constituents and agreed not to go forward with the changes. Education Committee Vice Chair Ginny Lyons sent a letter to the community agreeing that “if and when there is analysis of the home school system, all interested parties must be involved.” 

Donnelly agreed: “Changes of this magnitude require careful consideration and input from all parties. Drafted in 1987, the Vermont homeschool law is in need of changes to make it less burdensome for homeschoolers. Despite supreme court opinions to the contrary, many homeschoolers feel as though they are living in an approval state and not a notification state. HSLDA is pleased to stand with Vermont homeschoolers and to work for change that reduces unnecessary bureaucracy and state intrusion into families.”

Make no mistake, home schooling is under attack in this country, in every state.  Here is a free opportunity for your family's home schooling rights to be protected.

There is an offer to gather home schooling friends in order to receive a free year's membership, I am making no attempt to do that.  I am posting about the free trial simply because we believe in who HSLDA is and what they do and because I want those of you haven't heard of them or those of you who have, but haven't become members yet, to take this great opportunity to get involved also to protect your family's right to home school.  Simply click on the link below......

Free 3 Month Trial Offer


  1. How long does this last for? Do I click the link to sign up?

  2. If I'm reading it correct on the site, it will be good until the end of June. Just click on the link to go to the site for all the details.


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