Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Spring Time on the Homestead

Nothing says spring like new chicks!  Lots has been going on here on the ole' homestead with spring being well under way.  The peach blossoms have come and gone, the Magnolia blooms are falling, the gooseberry bushes are blooming, the chicks are cheeping and there is
not enough hours in the day to get everything done.  The image of the Proverbs 31 woman is always at the front of my mind, sewing garments, making meals, creating an income from the home...well this year my prayer is to finally be able to begin the process of generating a humble income from the garden produce, farm fresh eggs and grass fed beef.   
We have had chickens for purpose of eggs, for a few years now, but this is the first year we have dove in and gotten chickens for our freezer.  As a wife and a mother, it is my duty to not only provide my family with meals, they need to be healthy meals.  These days, we are hearing so much about knowing what is in our food and where it comes from.  After reading so many articles and seeing so many documentaries on the food sources here in our country, we have made it a priority to raise our own food including our meat.  I cannot tell you how excited I am to be moving another step closer to being self sufficient.  There is a few problems with this though that I can already see.....every critter on this place has a name.  You can see where this is going....we have agreed that these chickens are not to be named (we'll see how long it lasts).  

In the field are Scottish Highlands and we are expecting our first calf pretty soon.  Yes, they are all named, but we have always known they are much more than pretty field ornaments, they will serve a purpose.  

In the greenhouse are about 400 to 500 tomato plants, couple hundred peppers, along with a bed full of green beans, spinach and carrots.  All of this is by the grace of God.  Step by step, following scripture, we see God's promises work in our lives, which builds our faith and encourages us to continue following where the Lord leads us.  

The weatherman actually predicted a possibility of a dusting of snow this weekend, which just doesn't seem possible, but here in the Ozarks one can never be sure and I just put the hummingbird feeders out yesterday!  That's ok though, I could use a quiet day inside finishing up a few sewing projects in front of the fire, and I have yet to start our new chore aprons I got material for last fall, like I said, not enough hours in the day.

May the Lord bless you!


  1. Love hearing what you're up to my friend! Sounds lovely! SNOW!!??? WOW! That is shocking! :D--S

  2. I know, snow right? I seriously doubt we will see it, it has been as high as 86 here already....which is too warm for April. At the moment it is a cool 50 degrees, warm sunshine, clear blue sky and a gentle breeze.....beautiful! BTW, when are you coming our way???!!


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