Tuesday, April 19, 2011

What's For Dinner?

I know I'm not the only one spending more time outside than inside these days and if you're like me, you lose track of time trying to get one more plant transplanted or one more garden bed tilled and fertilized.  Today was one of those days.  There was only enough time to throw some odd thing together, but what?  While I cooked up some hamburger meat I tried to figure out what to do with it and began going through the cupboards.  There was some whole wheat spaghetti noodles so I boiled some water for those...grabbed a jar of fresh spaghetti sauce and coated the bottom of a cake pan with some sauce.  Drained the noodles and put them in the cake pan, swirling them through the sauce and then added the hamburger....sprinkled the top with some rainbow garden peppers and covered it with shredded and Parmesan cheese, then put it in the oven for 20 minutes on 350.  The family loved it and it was one of the easiest things I've done.  Colorful too with red, yellow, green and purple peppers on it!

Do you remember in my last post that none of the chicks were supposed to be named?  Well meet Amy, the local
favorite.  She has a personality all her own.  If you are familiar with chickens you know that they each have their own personalities.  Little Amy is supposed to be a girl, but I gave fair warning that if she happens to be a rooster.....into the cook pot he'll go.  Everyone is in agreement now.....  but things will change I'm sure when butchering time comes along.

My newest discovery is of a great site I found that is has very reasonable prices for a wide variety of modest clothing.  It is Katie's Mercantile and you can find the link to the right in the sidebar under My Favorite Modest Clothing Site list.  You can also find her on Facebook and see all of her good reviews from women who leave great comments about the quality of the clothing and how wonderful Katie is to work with.  I am in the process of ordering an apron and possibly a skirt at the moment.  She offers full length aprons, dresses, jumpers, shirts, nightgowns, skirts, blouses, unmentionables, maternity items and the list goes on and on both for women and girls.....all except the maternity items of course!  She also offers modest swim suits, maple syrup, jams and jellies, bonnets and other head coverings.  Here is a small paragraph taken from their home page that describes who they are...

Our family friendly cottage industry features ready made, practical, modest clothing. Run by mother and daughter farm wives, we try to provide helpful customer service and quality garments at reasonable prices.  

I hope you enjoy looking through their site as much as I have, I'll be sure to tell you all about what I've ordered when I get it.
Before I say goodnight, I am reminded that God is in control, we can live with peace in our hearts no matter what the circumstances are.  We are surrounded by His beautiful creation and we can see His promises each day.  I love this time approaching Resurrection Day, the promise of new life, the promise of eternity, to focus on the sacrifice He gave for me, for my husband, for our children....it is incomprehensible for our human minds to fully grasp the fullness of His love for us and His sacrifice for us.  May His face shine upon you as you walk through each day, and may you know His saving grace my friends.

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