To follow up on my previous post, I would first like to say that I write from my human heart. I am not the most eloquent with words and may not speak with love and gentleness all the time. This blog is strictly my opinion, in which will hopefully give support to the many women who are having the same struggles that I am having.......I do realize there are going to be women who come across my posts and think I am attempting to gather flies with vinegar instead of honey.....that isn't the case. As my Pastor says, when we speak truth of scripture, people who are not in line with that scripture will want to shoot the messenger.
It has also been brought to my attention that there are other ways to dress than what I mentioned. I agree, there are many other ways of dressing, ways of dressing according to the world. The question is, are you dressing in a way that honors God?
The choices we have made for our family, about how we dress, is between God and us. I am not here to "push" it on anyone else, that is between God and them. We dress in a very "prairie" way because that is our taste. As each woman begins to turn her heart towards dressing modestly, she will begin her own journey. As a Christian we grow into our own faith, our faith may not look like the faith of our parents....meaning maybe your parents are missionaries and you are not being called as a missionary, but as a writer. God has called each of us for a different purpose with one goal. Likewise, our own sense of modesty will be different from one anothers, but should prayerfully be towards one honor God.
In saying all of are some pictures that illustrates our way of dressing. Since I am usually the one behind the camera, there aren't any pictures of me but my daughter and I dress in the same manner.
The above skirt is one that can be worn with a pretty blouse, sweater.... we both have this style of skirt.
The above jumper is a chore dress for working in the garden, the pasture, with the livestock....
The above dress is worn for church and for town.
The above dress is strictly worn as a chore dress around the has gotten more snug than we care for and now is worn with a shirt over it. Since the skirt is a great skirt, it will soon be made into just a skirt or with a new bodice if I can find the time with planting season coming on fast.
This is a picture I was able to catch a few years ago when our grand daughter was visiting. It shows how different our dress was then compared to now. Now, we would never show that much skin on our arms, not only for modest reasons, but also for reasons of sun exposure.
If you have already been blessed by knowing who Stacy McDonald is a bit of her writing on scriptural modesty. Below is a link to her whole text.
We as women love to adorn ourselves. Before redemption, many of us “adorned” ourselves in provocative clothing that was purposely intended to entice and seduce men. Some may have adorned themselves in costly jewelry or expensive clothing to pridefully flaunt their wealth or status to others. How does God say we should “adorn” ourselves? “In modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety…” We must honestly ask ourselves (and our husbands!) if this describes our current wardrobe. The Christian woman should not be "focused" on outward appearance. Men are attracted to the female form. If we´re showing ours off, purposely or not, we´re not being modest! Shorts show off legs. Plain and simple. Tight or low blouses show off other things. Pants can also show off the crotch area and the bottom. (I don't know how to say that more politely!)
Please see the whole text at "Let's Talk Modesty".
I would like to thank you for all of your supportive comments, sometimes we feel so alone as we make this journey and it is SUCH a blessing to hear from others who rally around us, letting us know we are on the right path. What is SO frustrating is standing in the midst of other professed Christian women that give us so much grief due to our choice to dress modestly. There have been times, in church, where we are almost verbally attacked because we choose to dress differently and for some reason it offends some other women. I truly believe that most of the comments and questions are due to curiosity, but most are never said with love and gentleness.
There is the occasional comical discussion where someone attempts to "liberate" my way of thinking. They will literally take it upon themselves to feel the need to free my "legalistic" ways. As if I truly believe that if I dress "holy" enough, that will gain me my salvation. It is interesting when after I patiently listen to all that they have to say and I respond softly with answers to why we dress the way that we dress, backing it up with scripture, reassuring them that it is something we do to honor God and not to work our way into His good graces, they listen whole-heartedly.
One of the many things I have learned is when I step out, voicing my convictions and testimony, it gives others the strength to follow. Never underestimate your ability to speak truth into someone's life! Your voice may be used by God to say just the right thing to the one person who is waiting to hear it!